Crew Training and Document with FlyPal

In today’s world, the aviation industry is growing at a tremendous pace. With increase in number of airplanes, management of cockpit, cabin and ground staff (engineering & maintenance) becomes a critical task. Adequate initial & recurrent trainings for each crew linked to the aviation industry is a must. Inadequate knowledge to handle pressure situation can lead to severe consequence , as well as action from civil aviation authorities. In the recent past lots of incidents / accidents have been reported and sources suggest that these may be due to lack of adequate trainings given to concern staff.

So, what is crew training?

Regular training are given to crew at ground training institutes (or simulator for the specific aircraft type / model ) to keep them updated with latest in the respective areas. These training institutes are approved by civil aviation authorities to ensure quality. Recurrent trainings prepare the crew to handle equipment as well as passengers in different unforeseen conditions to ensure minimum collateral damage and smooth operations.

Flight Crew needs to have all mandatory trainings and other important documents valid at the time they are being allocated for any flight duty.

How FlyPal manages Crew training records and Documents ?

  • Can track all the information of trainings, documents, & checks of flight crew.
  • Compete crew training history and document history records.
  • Details of the training like issue date, renewal date, issuing authority etc.
  • Notification / Email alerts (It gives alert to crew member as well as crew scheduler if any of the documents or training is approaching its due date)
  • Original crew documents / training certificates can be scanned and attached to crew training records for faster access.

Thus FlyPal ensure all crew trainings and documents are current and nothing is missed out ,due to human error.

FlyPal can also be used to track the Flight Duty time limitation. Please see our blog FlyPal Aviation Crew Management for further details or can visit our page Crew Rostering System. for more details.

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